My Introduction Post

Today I am starting this blog because I think this could be a good way to express myself. I always loved writing and a blog could give me the opportunity to talk about subjects that I like or just talk about any topics that are important for me. This first text is not about anything but myself, the reasons why I created this site and what kind of content it will include.

Therefore, I will start! My full name is Camille but it is a little bit strange to pronounce in English, so I prefer to present myself as Cam. I was born in Montreal an I still live in the province of Quebec. My first language is French so I may make some mistakes at some point or another, but I will really try my best not to. I am 16 years of age and I feel like I can understand many things. I consider myself as an open-minded person, but I still have my own opinions on certain topics.

On this blog, I would like to talk about subjects that are important to me. I am passionate about fashion, art and everything that is related to those two things. I developed a passion for fashion in the last few years and I would really like to share things I like about it with this blog. I can say that I like to follow the trends, kind of. But in a more unique way. I prefer more unique trends that match my style. I like to inspire myself from others sometimes, but I always must put a little bit of my own personality in it. It always must be somehow a little different from others because I don’t think copying is the right way to go. I also always liked being different, having my own style. 

- Cam


  1. Will you share pictures of your style with us? Please say yes Camil;)

  2. I am very interested in hearing about your passions, both fashion and art.

  3. Your blog seems very interesting! I love the colors you chose :)

  4. I'm looking forward to reading your fashions articles! You seem to have a beautiful style to share with us!

  5. Nice! I'm excited to read your posts about fashion! You seem passionate by your subject:)

  6. I believe that your blog will be as amazing as your style, I promise I will come back ;)


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